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In today’s online shopping market, we believe transparency should be the highest regarded customer value.

That’s why we’ve clearly outlined all of our Privacy & Security below.


If you have any queries about these or if you have any comments or complaints on or about our website, you can contact us



SSL Secure Shopping- Your data is safe and secure.



We value our customers privacy and have taken great care to ensure the security of your transactions with us. Your credit card information and other personal data will be treated with the highest standards of safety and confidentiality.


Data Protection

In providing your details to My Hygge Shop, you consent to My Hygge Shop maintaining, recording, holding and using the information you give. This information is collected at the time of registration and on the ordering page. The details requested are used to process your orders.

This information will also be used to improve our service to you and to keep you informed about Decorate In. You are able to opt-out from our mailing list by clicking on Unsubscribe at the foot of our emails. 


All data is collected lawfully and maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998



The information we collect about you will include: Name, Address, Phone numbers, Email address.




We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold by viewing your details online.


Fraudulent Transactions

To protect our customers against fraudulent transactions and identity theft My Hygge Shop will perform searches to verify your details. In deciding whether to accept your order request we may use the information you have given to us, already hold about you, or for which we receive from any enquiry. We may contact you, to inform you of changes in our service, and any promotional offers we may have. You can remove yourself from our database at anytime by emailing.


Credit Card Security

The card security code is a unique three or four-digit number printed on your debit/credit card. This number is not embossed on the card and hence not printed on receipts - making it difficult for anyone other than the genuine cardholder, to know it.
Some card issuers refer to this number as the "Card Security Code" others as the "Personal Security Code" and others as "Card Verification Value". Some cards, many UK-issued cards for example, have a three-digit number printed at the top of the signature strip on the reverse of the card. Others, American Express cards for example, have a four-digit number printed on the front of the card, above the account number.


Website Security

When you register details with us, make an order or access account details, we use a secure server. Any data you give us is encrypted using a "Secure Socket Layer" (SSL) session. SSL is an industry standard and is one of the best ways to ensure Internet messages are not intercepted. You should be aware, however, that older browsers cannot use SSL. To be sure, please use the latest version of your browser, available as a free download from the internet. Browsers used successfully include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari (Windows & Mac), Google Chrome and Opera. 

The padlock should appear when you are transferring any of your personal details over the internet. Also, the website address will start with "https://" rather than "http://". If you are still concerned about ordering electronically, you can email us and we will call you back.



We only store information in Cookies in a highly encrypted format and for the sole purpose of making the shopping experience easier.

Decorate In does not use any information for targeted advertising.


What we store

Name and address information and other contact details.
Shopping cart contents, if any.
We store this in order to allow a customer to revisit the site and continue processing an incomplete order.


What we do NOT store, encrypted or otherwise

  • Credit card information.

  • No Cookie information is ever made available to third parties.

If you have any queries about this security and privacy statement or any of your dealings with My Hygge Shop, please contact us.


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